Many of these sites have FREE downloadable resources
• Fairtrade Foundation020 7405 5942 (London)
All you need to know about Fairtrade, plus teaching resources, lesson and assembly ideas, photos of farmers, case studies of producers, video, board game, powerpoints.
• Action Aid
Excellent resources and teacher packs especially the Chembakolli - Life and Change in an Indian Village - tea party, videos, posters.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web,
we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect."
Whatever we do to the web,
we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect."
(Chief Seattle, 1855)
Romero Close, London, SW9 9TY 020 7733 7900
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools
Fairtrade resources, lesson & assembly resources, whiteboard activity, powerpoint presentation. Also great information about Trade Justice, Make Poverty History- the wider global issues. Teacher packs, videos games, petitions, campaign materials, writing to MPs/companies.
• Christian Aid
Great teaching resources for the wider global issues. Lesson plans, activity sheets, childrens pages with online game. Similar to the Cafod website.
• Comic Relief
5th Floor, 89 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TP 020 7850 5555
Database of images, videos, audio, interactive whiteboard, documents. Comic Relief's Fairtrade Chocolate, Dubble: (Great fun for children - log on and become a double agent! Its all about Fairtrade chocolate.) Database of images, videos, audio, interactive whiteboard, documents.
• The Co-operative Group
0800 068 6727 Teaching and resource pack for primary schools (KS2). The pack includes lots of classroom activities specially designed to introduce Fairtrade to KS2 students. For more information see
• Global Dimension
Wide range of classroom resources on Fairtrade and related themes for all age groups.
• International Cocoa Organisation
Trade Section as part of A-Z guide.
• Labour Behind the Label
Great website especially for secondary. Looks at working conditions of clothes makers for our fashion industry. Campaign postcards for High Street shops, posters of trainers etc.
• Make Poverty History
Trade justice campaign materials.
• Oxfam
01202 715 933 Online resources, curriculum ideas, books, videos, posters and games.
Resources for Fairtrade and cocoa in Key Stages 2 and 3, with links across the curriculum, particularly in Citizenship, Geography and PSHE. There are downloadable lesson plans, resources and interactive activities, and a companion DVD and a photo pack you can order. The DVD was filmed in Ghana and the UK, and is presented by CBBC personality and paralympic basketball player Ade Adepitan.
Pa Pa Paa LIVE! is an online video broadcasting service for schools, delivering regular, live webcasts from a rural school in Ghana to classrooms across the UK. The school is attended by children of Kuapa Kokoo Fairtrade cocoa co-operative farmers. The aim of Pa Pa Paa LIVE! is to increase young peoples understanding of Fairtrade and the actions they can take as consumers and global citizens to make the world a better place.
Pa Pa Paa LIVE! is supported by comprehensive online teaching resources on Fairtrade and chocolate at and a DVD and photo pack. It is most suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3
• People and planet
Trade Justice campaign for 6th form students.
Free pack containing posters, DVD-ROM, lesson plans, assemblies. Downloadable poetry book. Based around Millennium Development Goals.
• Send My Friend
The website contains lesson plans to help you explore why many children are missing out on an education and steps for making buddies.
• Trade Justice Movement
• Traidcraft
Kingsway, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE11 0NE 0191 491 0591
Assemblies, lesson plans, images, primary reference materials, games, curriculum links. []
• Wateraid
Videos, information packs, teaching aids, games.
Local Contacts
• Wirral Environmental Network
The Sandon Building, Falkland Road, Wallasey, CH44 8ER.
Tel: 0151 639 2121
• Oxton Community Green Shop
Order Fairtrade food products sale or return.
• Cheshire Development Education Centre, Chester
Able to look at, lend, or order Fairtrade, environmental, faith and global education resources. Tel: 01244 708 7328.
• Liverpool Development and Global Education Centre,
The Alima Centre 35 Sefton St, Liverpool L8 5SL Tel: 0151 708 6515
Able to look at, lend, or order Fairtrade, environmental, faith and global education resources.
• Christian Books Centre
Serpentine Road Family Church, Liscard Rd, Wallasey Tel: 0151 630 5114
Order Fairtrade food products sale or return.
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